13th April 2022
Factors Associated with Microalbuminuria in Non-Diabetic Hypertension Patients

This study was designed to assess the factors that influence urinary albumin excretion in patients with non-diabetic high blood pressure (AH) within the context of Primary Health Care. Per capita salt intake, lipid and hemostatic profile, waist circumference, and glomerular filter rate (GFR), were all evaluated in patients with and without microalbuminuria. To estimate the impact of variables on UAE, BackWard multiple linear regression analysis (MLR) was used. Microalbuminuria was found in 21.9% of the population. The mean GFR calculated using the CKP–EPI formula was 65.04 mL/min/1.73m2, for both the groups with MA and without MA. The reason for the 63.5% variation in excreted levels was due to the variations in waist circumference and serum creatinine. Patients with AH and MA had lower GFRs, which could indicate progression to renal disease. Patients with AH and MA should be regularly screened for MA, especially those who have a history of renal disease.